
Author Guidelines

Would you like to be added as an author?  If so, post your blog info. along with contact info. in the comments below and I will shoot you a message. 

For our teacher authors..... 

The posting guidelines that apply here are simply to make Common Core Links Galore flow smoothly.  Our teacher readers need to know what they can expect when they come here. Having certain guidelines and expectations will allow the individual blog posts look more unified.

Posting Guidelines
  1. In order to be a teacher author, we ask that you place a blog button on your website that directly links people back to Common Core Links Galore (button image link found on right sidebar of the blog)
  2. The product you are posting about must be aligned with the Common Core.
  3. The product you are posting about must be suitable for grades 3-5.
  4. All blog posts must include a short paragraph about the product, possibly explaining how it could be   used effectively in the classroom. Pictures are also welcome.  It is not a long drawn out blog post unless you just want it to be.  Feel free to some ideas on the product description from what you have already typed up for your TpT product description.
  5. The main objective of the post must be to send teacher readers to the paid or free product and not to another blog post about the item.
  6. In each of your blog posts, you can provide 1 (one) text back to your own teacher blog.  No blog buttons are allowed inside posts. All invites are written the same for everyone, and they need to be at the end of your blog write up. They will say, "For more Common Core aligned teaching ideas, please visit my blog ***Blog name here***"  You will then link the name of your blog back to your blog address.
  7. When you add labels to your blog post,  you must make one of your labels the actual common core standard identifying number.  This will make it easier for our teacher readers to locate lessons aligned to a specific common core objective.  Please limit the number of labels to the most directly related to the product you are posting about.  For instance, if your product dealt with figurative language, you would put the common core standard number out (as sampled below), and you would also add a label for 'figurative language'.  This will allow for people to easily search by standard number and by topic.
Here is an example of what strand numbers look like.  You do not include the CCSS in the front, but you would include the subject.  If I wanted to label my blog post for the first standard below, I would type the label as  ELA-Literacy:CCRA.SL.1

Please note that more guidelines can be added at any time, especially since this website is an 'in the works' project. It is suggested that you check this rules section to make sure you are up to date on any rules that have been added. 

8. The posting 'goal' would be for each author to post at least one product a week. Feel free to post as many as you want. Remember, this is a marketing tool.  The purpose in this site is for you, the author, to promote lots of your products in order get readers to visit your TpT store and blog. You want them to see all of the wonderful common core aligned materials you have worked hard to make.  The more you post, the more inviting it is to the readers. They will want a vast  number of products to choose from for all of the different common core standards.  Remember, it is a goal and not 100% required to post a product once a week.  I surely am not going to micro-manage postings...LoL... who has time for that?  not me :-)   


  1. Thanks Teresa, looking forward to reading your posts.

  2. Are you only doing ELA? If you are going to add math, I can help with that. I am currently teaching 5th.

  3. nope, it's math and reading. When someone puts a math post up, you will see some math links start popping up on the side.

  4. Molly, this website is ADORABLE. I am a new follower and would like to be added as an author.


    Look forward to collaborating on this blog and appreciate the guidelines!

  5. I would love to be included!

    Learn With Leah



  6. I'd love to be included as well. Love this idea!
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  7. What a great idea! I'd love to be included!

    Math Coach’s Corner
