Saturday, April 6, 2013

Scribble Stories for Creative Writing

If you want to get your kids to write, let them do a little art first.  With scribble stories, students take the scribble and turn it into something creative. They get to spend some time designing and even coloring.  I absolutely love seeing how different kids take the same scribble and make it become something totally different from others that have the same scribble.  By the time they have finished the art, they have already created some kind of story in their head.  Plus, for some reason, by simply allowing them to do the art first, they seem to take ownership of the paper and the writing will pretty much flow.  When I hang these in the hallway, I typically take any that started off with the same scribble and hang them right beside each other.  That way everyone can enjoy seeing how each child turned it into something different.  It's a fun and creative writing project.  Enjoy!

You can get my scribble stories pack by clicking HERE.
Thanks for checking them out.
Hover over image and click to pin to Pinterest. 
For more Common Core aligned teaching ideas, please visit my blog Classroom Confections.

Math Adventures with Jimmy Jump Drive - Rounding Numbers

 Meet Jimmy Jump Drive, an adorable character who will guide your students through the common core math.  The first of Jimmy's adventures will help students practice rounding numbers to the nearest tens and hundreds places.  Included in  this 11 page PDF, you will find 2 basic practice pages, 2 number sorting mats, 1 Jimmy Jump Drive hundreds board, and 1 Jimmy Jump Drive place value board with place value number cards and a student record sheet.

This is just the beginning of the fun.  For more Common Core aligned teaching ideas, please visit my blog